onsdag 12 november 2008


The edge is so far away,
but now and then it comes close.
I smile to this movement, because it means life and movement is there.
To fall, deep deep deep, would be scary, and you'd hafto traverse the water that's in the way.

What would the winnings be, the losses and what would you miss from the side you are standing on now and what would you never miss again?

There is only one way to find out, and whatever you do, never lose the exploring spirit. If you ever lose it, go look for it again or you wont ever be able to travers any waters, only if the other side comes close enought for you to step over with your feet dry. (and yes the other side can be just as good even if the waters big)

Waiting for this to happen or waiting for the water to dry out, wouldnt that impede your own progress?.

This is my filosophy, everyone has their own, and some of us dosen't have the luxury of relaxed contemplation in these matters.

I dont really know what i wanted to say here, but i am speaking my mind, and that is enought, for now.

Emedan jag skrev detta snubblade jag på den här videon.
*ödet är på min sida med
*och korten
*o regnguden

måndag 10 november 2008


Något som stått stilla ett tag har börjat röra på sig. Rörelsen är så sakta att jag knappt märker den, det verkar som jag är i en sånningadär "fas" full med oväntade händelser. Kanske kan något komma utav detta =)
jag har varit gladare än mitt normalglada jag på sistone. Tack för det ni som känner er berörda

De delar av soppan som stått lite stilla på siståne har börjat röra sig, saaaakta =)
sakta rör sig degvändaren
polkagrismassan vevar och svänger
mitt leende hittar du i mitten

Dreeeemaa, you know you are a dreeemaa
D,d,d,d,d,d,d,d, Dreeeeeemaa!
common dream, dream along.

Ps. Jag funderar på att bli musiklärare med =)