lördag 31 januari 2009

onsdag 21 januari 2009

A taste of bitterness

As i was auscultating one of my more bitter friends i myself got infected with this, bile.

Been a while since i felt this. I can only describe it as a loss of energy, loss of momentum.

The fires that shone so brightly yesterday is now a mere flicker, barley keeping me warm, if only, i had a source of warmth.

Have I run out of fuel? and if so, where do you stop for some? And thou I know its an illousion, there seems to be none to be had. In this wasteland of mine.

I'm missing a basic need.
I need someone to care about me.

It will be back tomorrow, my flame. But right now, I am sad. Right now, I am weak. Right now, my soul is in need of another souls touch.

And right now there is noone in sight

fredag 9 januari 2009



onsdag 7 januari 2009

motivation and senseless positivity

Here we go again.
A new year is dawning and I am feeling great!

No big special circumstances but only my own mind flying aroud, seeing endless possibility,

And now, m going towards the classroom, school is about to begin.
A big exam comin up, and I need to study HARD (bcus m lazy) but it'll b alright.

check out this, my new project, tickets already bought ;) (let me know if u wanna come and ll arrange it, (800:- + food, yep thats all u need folks!)


Hugs all around. :), yes , even you bitter persons can have some.